Episode #48: Getting Unstuck!
Taking the mystery out of women’s hormonal issues, struggles and the many things that dance in between.
Today’s Guest: Avis Cardella
We all go through times in our lives when we feel stuck. Maybe a relationship has become stale, a job has lost its luster, or procrastination has taken a front seat to motivation and creativity.
There's a Buddhist expression, "Congratulations, you've hit a wall." Today's podcast explores an opportunity to shift and look at what is and isn't working in our lives, even though it may feel difficult, uncomfortable, or downright scary. This wall of stuckness is a metaphoric 'pause button' that allows for possibility– shifting our thinking, revamping lifestyle choices and diet, or nourishing a new approach to life.
I'm delighted to have my dear friend Avis Cardella, an author and writer, join me today. As life happens, Avis and I hadn't spoken in a while, and during a recent Zoom catch-up call, she expressed feeling stuck for the past four months, unable to finish edits and revisions for her newest book manuscript. I suggested writing a blog or article about why she felt stuck. I also asked Avis to join me in unraveling "Being Stuck" on today’s episode.
We spoke again a few days prior to recording this podcast, and Avis had a tremendous breakthrough that she'll share with you. May this conversation allow you to lean into that wall because it's calling you to birth something new within that is intended just for you.
Sweet Lovelies Welcome to The Hormone Lifestyle Zone.